Monday, October 10, 2011

Hiatus, a million dollar word...

  ...Meaning I'll do what ever the fuck I want when I want to.  So I'm sure a couple of you have heard rumors that I haven't written any new blogs recently.  They're all true.  Except the one about me dying in that horrible, dinosaur-related car accident.  That one was made up entirely by me to avoid writing blogs.  By the way, how ironic is it that a dinosaur would get into a car wreck using the fossilized remains of its brothers and sisters as fuel?
A spitting image of my English teacher.
The resemblance is uncanny

  Well the truth is I fucking hate writing more than life itself.  It's more work than I ever get back out of it.  I just sit here, tap, tap, tapping away on this godforsaken keyboard, pretending like I'm making coherent sentences and we all know that isn't the case.  I also have to choke down a lot of resentment and hatred for a one, "Gaconnator" (she knows who the fuck she is).

  We had an understanding that I won't say anything if she won't look, talk, or call on me.  Anyways, she was bat-shit crazy about some grammar.  Like crazy crazy.  Needless to say, I hated the hell out of her, but she taught me an invaluable lesson: anyone can get a job at my high school, no matter how crazy or self-righteous they seem to be.
Pictured: Crazy Crazy

  As I get older, I realize, "Holy fuck, I've been in school for over 17 years and I still have at least another year to go."  I have been trained like an animal to sit in desks, arranged by rows, typically alphabetically, in a depressing white room with some shitty "inspirational and educational" posters on the walls, underneath fluorescent bulbs, where I spent my time contemplating "The Great Escape" all while writing essays, that apparently I should be thankful that I learned.  And you know what, it's all I know.  I feel like the only way I can express myself in an argument anymore is if I write down my views in a 5 paragraph paper.  It's the only way I can think anymore.  I'm a beast who realized that I have secretly been broken.  Fuck me if some one asks me to voice my opinions on the spot, but I digress.  Here's a metaphoric exercise: Try to find out which character is portraying me and which one is portraying The Man.
Here's a hint: I'm not black.
  And now here we are, at the end of this little tale.  I have never liked concluding paragraphs.  It's this whole confusing, "wrap up your whole essay in one paragraph, making everything you just wrote completely fucking pointless."  "Don't say 'in conclusion' or 'as you can tell', that shit is for noobs." I also apologize for not blogging like I'm making money.  Writing kind of really sucks, because of emotional scars I received during the whipping session in the English department.  Keep expectations low, so when I do what I'm supposed to do, people are impressed.

  I forgot to mention that if you can't wait for your next blog by me, follow me on twitter.  I use it every single day, leaving fun little sayings that make even the heavens 'lol'.!/Rascalkingdom  That is my twitter obviously.  I am the Rascal King and twitter is my kingdom.

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